Early Career Framework
The ECF is part of the government’s teacher recruitment and retention strategy, which aims to improve the training and development opportunities available to teachers. Full details of the changes to induction are set out in the Statutory Induction Guidance:
The main changes are as follows:
- The term early career teacher (ECT) replaces newly qualified teacher (NQT).
- The standard length of induction has been increased from one school year to two school years.
- ECTs will receive a 5% timetable reduction in the second year of induction in addition to the 10% timetable reduction that they receive in their first year.
- Schools are expected to deliver an induction period that is underpinned by the Early Career Framework. Appropriate bodies will have a role in checking that an ECF-based induction is in place.
- The role of the mentor has been defined and is separate from the role of the induction tutor.
- There will be two formal assessment points, one midway through induction, and one at the end of the induction period. These will be supported by regular progress reviews, to take place in each term where a formal assessment is not scheduled.