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EL Blog - 17.1.25

The week began with the launch of the commissioned ‘Leading Inclusive Schools ‘ programme with schools from across Manchester LA. 

It was fantastic to meet with many school leaders as we began to self evaluate each schools SEND position. 

The first train the trainer session will commence later this month.

EL Blog - 17.1.25


The team had  the opportunity to connect with a number of external partners this week. We met End2EndSolutions, an Apprenticeship provider and the GMCA Careers department around exploring opportunities around T Level qualifications. 
The week also involved the first session of our Leading Inclusive Schools Programme and a Network with Senior Leaders from across the Secondary Schools in Oldham.
It was fantastic to hear some of the exciting work leaders are developing across the Secondary Mainstream provision to support learners with SEND, notably North Chadderton High School who have really looked at a more distributed model of SEND Leadership. Brilliant!
Finally Dayna form Barrier Breakers shared insight into the work of the Oldham Youth Council. Something, we hope our Secondary colleagues will continue to support moving forward.
Have a lovely weekend, it's getting lighter!
Liz, Anna and Chantelle